Propol-mel products perform an integral work developing their function in our bodies from the inside out.
The Holistic Concept
The Holistic concept comes from the Greek term “Holos” which means “entire”, “complete”, “all”; it also denotes “whole” and “organized”. Until a few years ago, only one part of human beings was taken into account: our physical body. Today, we can contemplate us through our different bodies, as an integral being:
- Physical body (The body we see)
- Emotional body (feelings)
- Mental body (Thoughts)
- Energetic body (Chakra system – read more – )
- Spiritual body (The light, the soul, the being or the divine part within us)
Therefore, we can state that the physical body is the communication method of our multiple bodies. Together, they result in the human aura, an energy field of multicolour light radiation. From Planet Earth to minerals, plants, animals and any other physical manifestation, everything has an aura (read more).
Thanks to quantum physics we know that the universe is just LIGHT, energy constantly moving and transforming, and that all that is manifest is an emission of primitive light that nurtures itself in perfect unity.
Depending on the vibration frequency of light particles, the creations are more subtle or denser, from the elemental particles to the solid matter we can perceive with our senses. To better illustrate this, we can consider the three states of water: gas, liquid and ice, it is always water but in three different states. Thus, the creation of a human being flows from the first source of light and then it gradually materialises through the different bodies until reaching its state of maximum condensation, the physical body.
The purpose of a holistic product is to enable light or life energy to flow throughout all our bodies so that we can live everyday life with greater peace, joy, love and gratitude and thus so that we allow beauty and health to naturally manifest.
First and foremost, a holistic product must be 100% natural
Our cells only recognize nature as something similar to them, thanks to their common union: light. Besides, a holistic product must nurture the different bodies of the human being, one by one, with natural elements that vibrate at the same light frequency as the body we want to nurture. By knowing all this, we manufacture our holistic products as follows:
To nurture the physical body we choose the natural raw materials that are more suitable for each function and we select them one by one. From propolis to plant extracts, unrefined vegetable oils, natural detergents and waxes, fruit juices, pure essential oils, etc.
To nurture the spiritual body, once the product is finished, we keep it in a space designed on the basis of Feng Shui, where vital energy naturally flows, and we impregnate it with musical notes in a harmonic frequency and apply them bioenergy through light bearing crystals*.
To nurture the energetic body (chakras) and favour its natural balance, we manufacture vibrational essences from different natural sources: beehives, plants, minerals, crystals, etc. and essences of the corresponding chakra colours. All our essences are elaborated according to the crystal method by Andreas Korte that does not damage nature.
To nurture the emotional and mental bodies we use pure essential oils (read more about aromatherapy).
The Human Being is happy, we are filled with life, with light
There is light within the body and every cell lives in The Magic of Unity, in the joy of a pure contact.
The given explanation is sequenced so that the holistic work is better understood. However, since there is no separation between the bodies, they all act jointly for the benefit of human beings as a whole.
A holistic product is not a therapy. Its purpose is to balance our bodies so that energy can freely flow. Thus, the physical body can manifest its true powers that emanate from living in harmony with Life.
Expressed in a very simple way, we can say that when we use these products, the cells in our bodies expand to absorb all their nutrients, they recognize them as something that is similar to them. They are Life for our bodies.