Visible benefits from day 1. How? Thanks to our food supplements made from propolis.
We are not promising you any miracles. We can’t do that.
In fact, you won’t become a superhero, but you will provide your body with a natural power to face any virus or bacteria. Thanks to Propolis, achieving a robust health is easier now than ever.
Our products, which are manufactured in a traditional way with natural and organic propolis ingredients, will make you feel better and will help you boost your immune system from the very beginning. Are you ready to achieve a robust health?!
Propolis is the best natural protective product to treat the first symptoms of flu and cold.
Here you will find what you need to look after your health in a natural and effective way. Both if you are looking for a private label solution for your company or if you prefer to directly acquire our products.
Discover our propolis tincture, which right away reduces throat inflammation. Learn more about our mouth spray and candies that will protect your throat and cure voice hoarseness. Or you can try our syrup, which breaks up mucus so that you can breathe well again. Apart from the benefits of propolis for kids.
Protection and flavour for your throat
Propolis balsamic candies
These small but powerful candies are made of pure, finely ground propolis. Its natural freshness will quickly sooth your throat. Suck on several propolis candies a day and say farewell to cough, hoarseness and bad breath.
Organic mouth spray
Freshness every time you spray.
Eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon will take over your mouth and a bioactive mix of essential oils and propolis will create a protective barrier against external agents. It will also support healing any wound or sore you may have.
Spraying two to four times is enough to refresh your mouth and throat. Repeat as many times a day as you deem necessary.
Organic Propolis tincture
Your ally against sore throat. It is only made with propolis and grape alcohol, which will draw all it active substances. Our tincture will protect your throat and acts against any infection.
Just take 24 drops of this tincture previously diluted in liquid one to three times daily. Results will speak for themselves!
Organic propolis syrup
Syrups bear a great deal of responsibility. Products such as our propolis syrup assume and accept it very well.
It will help you get rid of mucus and breathe well again. Thanks to our syrup made of honey, natural extracts and propolis, you will fight the flu and cold symptoms in a completely natural way.
Its formula contains the best mucolytic and protective agents found in plants. Take one tablespoon three times a day and you will notice the difference!
Honey with propolis
Honey with Propolis x 400 g. “Mil flores” honey with propolis that improves defenses and with natural antiviral properties.
Morning Booster Honey
Honey with Propolis, pure Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen x 250 g.
Morning booster, the best bio-stimulator for the human body. Energizing and revitalizing the vital forces of the body.
Bee pollen
1 kg. Pollen from Spain 100% natural. Waste-free bee pollen.
Pollen source of proteins, amino acids, lipids, vitamins and minerals.
Este spray tiene una característica muy interesante para poder hablar en público y ayuda a evitar el carraspeo o la voz cansada. Las condiciones de este spray es importante para los profesores y oradores que necesitan cuidar la voz. El precio del producto y su calidad es muy asequible y agradable en el gusto. Un spray muy útil.
Es la 2ª vez que lo compro. A mi me va muy bien.
Se lo doy a mi hijo de 2 años y es estupendo, ya que se nota el efecto.
He probadi muchos jarabes de farmacia y ninguno ha hecho nada.
Le doy un 10
Hace años que tomo este jarabe cuando estoy resfriada y siempre me ha ido muy bien. Para la tos y la mucosidad a mi me va de lujo!
Tiene un sabor intenso pero a mi me resulta agradable.
Los caramelos relajan la Irritación de garganta rápidamente, y por el precio q tiene te llevas un bolsón de caramelos